Services at St John’s Notting Hill

There are services every day at St John's except on Saturdays. Please see below for a list of regular and monthly services.

For lists of services in each term, follow the link below. This includes the music, readings and psalms in each service.

Weekly Services


08:00 Holy Communion
10:30 Sung Eucharist
12:30 Tagalog Mass
17:30 Evening Prayer

Monday - Friday

08:45 Morning Prayer
17:00 Evening Prayer


12:00 Holy Communion

Monthly Services

Choral Evensong
Please check list of services for the current term.

Healing Service
Please check the weekly notice for the date and time.

Eucharist in Farsi
16:00 every third Sunday of the month

Please check the weekly notice for the date

Services by Season

Detailed information for the services in each season can be found below.