The ‘Light on the Hill’ Appeal, 2024-25.
St John’s Notting Hill is a registered Charity (1131808).
St John’s represents a unique and sacred space in an increasingly secular world. However, the church has been serving this community for almost 180 years, and urgent restorative works are required to allow our work to continue. A major fundraising appeal is launching in 2024 to raise the £1.75 million necessary for repairs and restoration, including both interior and exterior works.
The last campaign focused on uplifting worship through the restoration of the organ – now, we need to raise £1.75 million for essential structural works to ensure the sanctity and safety of the building. The ‘Light on the Hill’ Appeal will have two phases: the first will prioritise the urgent masonry works required to maintain the structural integrity of the church building, while the second will restore the original and beautiful Victorian features to uplift services. In order to complete this first phase, we must secure almost £300,000 by October, and invite you to help us reach our goal.
Please see our fundraising brochure, attached at the button below, to learn more about our vision for St John’s.
‘Flashes of Light on the Hill’ was made in 2024 by Lyuba Bobrova and Joshua Fetuga-Joensuu
Our duty to have a building for Christian worship and community activity is shown right now by the scaffolding already up on the West façade of the building, making it safe and fit for purpose for generations ahead. Our inspecting architect has identified the work to the West façade as urgent and essential and the cost is approximately £250,000 plus VAT. We have already raised £165,000 of this amount in the last month. The work will be completed by the end of October and we invite your generous response to help us reach this target. Donations (payment reference Light on the Hill) can be made by BACS to:
St John's, Notting Hill
NatWest account number: 01019732
Sort Code: 60-15-33
Alternatively, to give online, please visit our JustGiving page.
Our Community Audit identifies the needs of our community and outlines the huge range of activities taking place at St John’s. Our delivery of Christian worship for three congregations, our support for children, and our work with older people and vulnerable members of the community will all benefit from the restoration programme. It will also enhance our cultural offer, the improved facilities securing the future of the church as a place for music, concerts, events and exhibitions.
We need to raise significant funds to realise our vision. If you would like to donate to the restoration programme, or have ideas about sources of funding, please get in touch with our Development Officer, Anna Dominey ( for more information.